What Everyone Should Know About Chicken Frostbite

Though most Americans have never heard of chicken frostbite, it is a condition that can have serious consequences for backyard chickens. Pain, impaired mobility, decreased egg production and changes in fertility are possible side effects of frostbite, though these symptoms may be slow to manifest. Though a well-designed and comfortable chicken coop will often provide protection, mild cases can be unavoidable even when a flock’s keeper diligently takes preventative steps to fight it. 


As the name implies, chicken frostbite occurs when the birds are kept in extremely cold weather. It usually affects combs and wattles, which are a chicken’s most vulnerable parts. Since a wounded wattle or comb often attracts pecking by other chickens, it is imperative to identify the symptoms of frostbite and provide quick and timely chicken first aid to infected chickens. Effective treatment requires that the finest organic chicken frostbite salves be applied directly to affected areas.

Many chicken-keepers utilize heating lamps and pads during the cold months of winter but heating frostbitten combs and waffles is known to increase the pain and potential long-term damage. When swelling eventually goes down, the area may peel and become increasingly sensitive to cold. It often then turns black, scabby or develops blisters which may lead to permanent disfigurement. Frostbite should be taken seriously as, if not treated, it may become a life-threatening complication. Coating the damaged part with a top-quality chicken frostbite cream can be helpful to reduce irritation and speed recovery.
Green Goo has exclusively developed a 100% natural and organic solution for treating chicken frostbite. With years of experience and a commitment to using only the finest ingredients—whether in products for animals or humans—the team at Green Goo is trusted like no other company.

About Green Goo:

In addition to premium-quality animal care products, Green Goo sells 100% natural, organic and hand-crafted skin and personal care products for humans natural deodorant, soaps, salves, baby products and much more. Green Goo is a women-owned and family-operated business which has remained true to its roots, even as has experienced extraordinary growth.

For additional information, visit Greengoohelps.com


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