Switch to Natural Deodorant to Effectively Combat Body Odor

Embracing our natural beauty goes beyond the makeup, lotions and moisturizers we purchase. The movement encompasses everything which comes in contact with our skin and body, including deodorants and antiperspirants. The vast majority of Americans apply deodorant on a daily basis without ever considering its ingredients or the long-term effects of its use.


Deodorant remains the most effective way to control body odor, which is an extension of the human body’s natural process of perspiring. Perspiring (or sweating) is an essential function, as it naturally regulates the body’s temperature and effectually removes toxins. This natural detoxification process is important for controlling what remains inside the body. Perspiration causes bacteria to grow and these bacteria break down in hot, humid areas of the body—such as armpits. This bacterial fermentation results in body odor.

Deodorants and antiperspirants work by closing or clogging lands and preventing the natural release of perspiration. As sweat accumulates behind these blocked glands, it is trapped beneath the skin. This process can lead to unpleasant side effects including bumpy irritation, painful inflammation and skin allergies.

Harsh, chemical-based deodorants and antiperspirants contain aluminum compounds Aluminum is not otherwise found in the human body and its introduction via deodorant can have potentially hazardous consequences. Most users of traditional, chemical-based deodorants are unaware of how this simple step in a morning routine can affect their body.

Millions of Americans have already made the switch to natural deodorant and the number is consistently growing as more commit to healthier living. Trusted companies such as Green Goo have created organic and gluten-free deodorants with 100% natural ingredients to effectively suppress body odor and soothe the skin. 

Green Goo’s exclusive formulas were developed using timeless homeopathic herbal wisdom and all natural and sustainable oils and herbs. This process has resulted in some of the safest, most effective natural skin care products on the market. Green Goo’s exciting collections are available through their website and include natural deodorant, tattoo lotion, natural soaps, first aid care and much more.

About Green Goo:

Green Goo is a proud to be a US-based,women-owned and family-operated business. It is a thriving, values-driven provider of 100% pure, safe and effective salves, bath salts, homeopathic face washes, tattoo care, soaps, even natural pet care lotions and first aid products.

For more information, please visit Greengoohelps.com


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