How to Protect Hens, Roosters and Chicks from Chicken Frostbite
Raising chickens can be a wonderful experience, but it is not always easy. People cannot just stick their hens and roosters in backyard coops and expect them to fend for themselves. When they get sick or injured, owners need to intervene before it is too late to save their fine feathered friends. What is Chicken Frostbite? One health problem that chicken-owners in northern climes need to watch out for is chicken frostbite . Like frostbite in humans, chicken frostbite occurs when chickens are exposed to cold temperatures for long periods of time. The cold causes the fluid in chickens’ cells to freeze, which leads to the formation of blood clots. These prevent oxygen from reaching the cells and cause tissue damage. Frostbite can take a severe toll on the health of chickens. It can be extremely painful and diminish their mobility. As if this were not bad enough, it can reduce the fertility of roosters and make hens lay fewer eggs too. The symptoms of chicken frostbite include the foll...