
Showing posts from January, 2018

How to Protect Hens, Roosters and Chicks from Chicken Frostbite

Raising chickens can be a wonderful experience, but it is not always easy. People cannot just stick their hens and roosters in backyard coops and expect them to fend for themselves. When they get sick or injured, owners need to intervene before it is too late to save their fine feathered friends. What is Chicken Frostbite? One health problem that chicken-owners in northern climes need to watch out for is chicken frostbite . Like frostbite in humans, chicken frostbite occurs when chickens are exposed to cold temperatures for long periods of time. The cold causes the fluid in chickens’ cells to freeze, which leads to the formation of blood clots. These prevent oxygen from reaching the cells and cause tissue damage. Frostbite can take a severe toll on the health of chickens. It can be extremely painful and diminish their mobility. As if this were not bad enough, it can reduce the fertility of roosters and make hens lay fewer eggs too. The symptoms of chicken frostbite include the foll...

Why Use Natural Deodorant and Other Green Products?

As technology and chemistry constantly advances and evolves, people sometimes overlook the benefits of natural elements. When they stop and look at the products that they use every day, the number of unhealthy chemicals in them can be disturbing. This is especially true in the case of products that people apply to their skin. For example, most people use deodorants daily as a matter of course. However, no matter how nice they may smell, their ingredients may not be pleasant at all. In fact, people might be harming their bodies without even realizing it. Thankfully, there are organic products on the market which keep people safe while improving their hygiene. A natural deodorant allows a person to smell fresh without using any harsh chemicals. Instead, they can use ingredients such as shea butter, arrowroot, beeswax, sunflower oil and sage.  Not only do natural deodorants keep their users stink-free, they do so without the potential long-term dangers of chemica...

Keep Animals Safe with the Best Pet Care Products

A recent survey found that approximately 40% of the US population owns pets. The most popular pet—and this may surprise any crazy cat ladies and gentlemen out there—are dogs. This is not too surprising: Dogs are very loyal, affectionate creatures. When their owner is happy, they are usually happy too. Dogs make wonderful companions for humans. As such, their owners want to do everything they can to keep them safe and healthy. Happily, many recent products make this easy to do. For example, owners can now find first aid lotion for dogs , which can heal cracks or blisters on their paws. It can also moisturize their noses when they get dry and repair any cuts and scrapes which they might get from running and playing. Consequently, first aid lotion can help prevent harmful skin infections in dogs. Pet care companies have come up with mosquito repellent for dogs as well. Some manufacturers have even managed to create repellents with all-natural ingredients. Owners can spra...